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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Meghan Powers
Meghan ('23) writes for the Mirror section of The Dartmouth. She is from Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, and intends to major in government with a minor in French. Some of her interests include coffee, Museum Club and Laura Dern.

Editors' Note

Caris here. As I’m sitting in Robo writing this, I can look out and see the Green covered in snow. It’s the wintry scene I hoped for at the beginning of the winter term but am just getting now, as the latest 10-week hustle — and my time as an editor — comes to a close. I’ve sat by this window ...

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Editors' Note

Welcome to March, Dartmouth. With the incredible deluge of snow this past week and the recent re-opening of fixtures like Rollins Chapel, it seems like campus is at once covering up and coming to life; one door closes, another sidewalk gets torn up and repaved. In these last few weeks of winter, Dartmouth ...


Editors' Note

Happy week eight … and stick season? We also thought that stick season was supposed to be confined to late November, but no other way of describing Hanover this month really feels correct. We’re not sure if it’s the looming threat of finals or the fact that our last ever Editor’s Note will be ...

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Editors' Note

Time is passing in typical winter gestures: a sidewalk wipeout, a weekly discussion post, a groundhog predicting six more weeks of winter. Sometimes we can hardly remember what week it is, and all we can do is trust the Canvas assignments and thermostat to tell us where we are in the term. Every term ...

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Editors' Note

Back in the day, Mirror used to have a theme for its issue every week. As our stories diversified and our interests expanded, we phased that practice out. But it’s now early February and it seems like love is just floating through the air — so we thought we’d bring it back for the special occasion. ...


Editors' Note

Ah, February. The shortest, strangest month. January was generous with us this year — snow-laden trees and weather in the thirties and forties abounded. Her sister month, February, is usually only distinguished by a Hallmark holiday and a more prominent chill, but she’ll have 28 days to show us ...

The Setonian

Editors' Note

Well, it’s finally winter. Now that there is snow on the ground — and snowballs flying through the midnight air — it feels like the term is truly underway. Then again, it’s already week four. Midterm season has commenced and it’s the beginning of the grind, but we also have enough time to ...

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