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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

The End of The Tobacco Road


Out of the rubble of the recent negative coverage and legal action against the tobacco industry comes a little publicized government report that industry spinmeisters hope to employ on behalf of their legal and public defense.


Johnson's Depictions False


To the Editor: Miranda Johnson '97 wrote a very well written editorial about affinity housing at Dartmouth ["Dispelling Notions of Segregation," April 12, 1996]. However, I would like to respond to one of Johnson's comments.


Vote for Heavey and Epstein


Student Assembly presidential candidate Jon Heavey '97 and vice presidential candidate Meredith Epstein '97 will give the Assembly a much-needed injection of creativity and competence. Heavey's innovative approach to problem solving, his insightful ideas about leadership and his candor distinguish him from the rest of the field. For example, while other candidates suggest polls, committees or nothing at all to promote campus tolerance, Heavey advocates a campus-wide dinner to mitigate racial tensions. Heavey is open to others' ideas, which will garner him the respect of the Assembly, the student body and the administration. Unlike other candidates, Heavey has been forthright in admitting his potential shortcomings.


The Big Secret


The other day I was talking to a friend of a friend who had just been tapped to join Casque & Gauntlet, Dartmouth's Senior Society for rock 'em sock 'em swank hipsters or some such thing. "Your parents must be really proud," I said to the friend-once-removed. "Sure, C & G's all that," came the reply.


Hemmer points out Segregationist Practices


To the Editor: I want to thank David Hemmer '96 for his article on "The Segregationist Practices of Prospective Week." [April 11] He pointed out the way in which Dartmouth lures minorities into an institution which is oftentimes inconducive to their social and academic growth.


Voters Should Get To Know Candidates


To the Editor: It's Tuesday night. I've just returned from Collis Common Ground, where the candidates for Student Assembly president and vice president presented their views and themselves to a pathetically small gathering of students.


Experience Is Crucial to the Assembly


The first issue I would like to talk about is race relations at Dartmouth. Because of the racial incidents of last summer and last term, there is a growing concern among the Dartmouth community about how we interact with one another as students who come from an incredibly diverse ethnic background.


Take Ownership Of Dartmouth


Joan Baez, an alumna from my alma mater, Redlands High School, once said, "As long as one keeps searching, the answers come." These words seem obvious in minor everyday applications of them, but the answers don't come as easily when the questions concern larger, societal dilemmas such as prejudice and intolerance.