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The Dartmouth
July 26, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Matt the Movies


In Hanover, there are only two places to rent movies -- the free, yet fine-friendly Jones Media Center, and Videostop, where your friend's girlfriend's friend from high school probably didn't return that copy of "Drowning Mona" -- so options are few.


Alice The madfratter: Off and On


I have a milk crate filled with books under my bed. I'm not talking about "The Cambridge Guide to the Solar System," "Dome the Works of Milton," or "Philosophy of Economics: Kill Yourself Now, Please." My milk crate is packed with the kinds of books that one would read during one's off term.


The Captain's Log: Bubbleology


Here are some lies about the Dartmouth Bubble: it's a microcosm of the real world; it's the natural result of being out in the middle of nowhere; it is one of many bubbles in God's champagne; it's an optical illusion caused by refraction of a thinning, viscous and soapy membrane. Rather, I think, the Dartmouth Bubble -- insofar as it's real at all, remains at its root a schema useful for dealing with the exigencies of our own D-plan-amplified self-absorption. And yet, thanks to our collegiate and careless use of language, the idea of "the Dartmouth Bubble" gets tossed around like it has all those mythic meanings and more.




"Counting really depends on how you think about it. Like, if you believe that 2 + 2 is 5, then it is." "Wow, dude." Two teenage guys, Nugget Theater Lobby, mid-afternoon "There's a fine line between dancing and crying, and I walk that line." '06 male, The Red Barn "I hate these f-ing angels.




"I'm so excited. Kaitlyn Cooper's returning to "The OC" tonight!" "Oh yeah! I've never met her." Two girls milling by Collis garbage cans, post-breakfast "My favorite part of going to Dartmouth is that I'm a Kappa, and that's like being permanently in style." Drunk girl, Second Floor of AD "She's so lame.