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The Dartmouth
June 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Material kits allow students to work hands-on from home


Though nearly all classes remain remote this fall, labs and other project-based courses have found ways to maintain the experience of hands-on learning. Some courses have adapted to the limitations of virtual instruction by shipping material kits, which include everything from rock samples to small presses for printing, to each student.


COVID-19 brings changes to leaf-peeping season


Peak fall foliage usually attracts hordes of tourists to the Upper Valley, each hoping for a glimpse of the area’s famous multicolored leaves. But despite the return of fall colors, business owners say COVID-19 seems to have discouraged tourists from visiting this year.


Multiple Greek houses report Wi-Fi connectivity issues


Residents of at least five sorority houses and one fraternity house have experienced a range of internet problems since the beginning of the term, causing some students to be unable to load prerecorded lectures, attend meetings or even connect to synchronous Zoom classes. 


Zoom usage raises questions about student data, security


Since the beginning of the pandemic, the video-conferencing platform Zoom has dominated higher education, with many colleges and universities adopting the technology as a temporary substitute for in-person instruction. Though Zoom allows students to remain connected to their academic experience, as well as with family and friends, the wide-scale adoption of the platform has raised questions around student data and privacy.


Tuck announces layoffs due to budget deficit


As the College continues to rid revenue losses, budget cuts and hits to various programs due to the financial fallout of COVID-19, the Tuck School of Business announced on Sept. 15 that it had laid off 18 staff members. Meanwhile, the Thayer School of Engineering has announced that it is not planning any layoffs, and other divisions at the College have not yet made final decisions about job reductions.


As case count remains low, COVID-19 dashboard monitors pandemic on campus


While Dartmouth’s reopening has so far gone smoothly with only six cumulative cases since July 1, the College has identified certain key benchmarks for when it may need to reevaluate its reopening plan. Since its debut ahead of students’ return to campus this fall, the COVID-19 reporting dashboard has allowed the Dartmouth community to follow relevant testing, quarantine and isolation data. 


Recycling in all residence halls temporarily suspended


Quarantine and regular testing aren’t the only ways in which COVID-19 has disrupted campus operations. In an effort to reduce contamination, recycling has been suspended indefinitely in residence halls on campus, according to Facilities, Operations and Management associate vice president Frank Roberts.

Student Advisory Board gives guidance on campus issues, COVID-19 decisions


As Dartmouth makes dramatic adjustments to student life due to COVID-19, the Dean of the College Student Advisory Board has met regularly with Dean of the College Kathryn Lively, seeking to bring student perspectives to the decision-making table. In the two months since its creation, the board has provided input on issues such as how to bring students back to campus safely and methods to promote adherence to COVID-19 regulations.


Students in quarantine after social gathering, Phi Delt suspended


Twenty-three students at the Tuck School of Business have been placed in quarantine after Dartmouth Safety and Security officers were called in to stop a social gathering on Sept. 4. Meanwhile, Phi Delta Alpha fraternity has been temporarily suspended following possible health violations in an incident at its house on Sept. 5.