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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Welander Portrays Assembly Inaccurately


To the Editor: I am responding to Matt Welander '97's column titled "The True Identity of the SA" [The Dartmouth, April 24]. Mr Welander: and I use the term loosely, I am indeed touched by the amount of thought and time you invested in utterly failing to grasp the point of my original article.


Real Problems Can't be Glossed Over


To the Editor: Garrett Gil De Rubio '96 and Kimberly Koontz '96 seem to think that if we all just stop arguing about institutional racism and institutional sexism Dartmouth will somehow become a real community.


Community at Dartmouth


Community at Dartmouth sounds like a nice concept, but somewhere along the way, between forgotten charters and intractable bureaucracies, the spirit of community appears to have been neglected. My first impressions of Dartmouth led me to believe that this sense of "community" was all-inclusive.


The Perfect Body


Returning from a job interview in New York City, I swung by the Hinman Boxes to get my mail and opened up last Friday's The Dartmouth.


Decline Part II: The Role of Physics


Down at the smallest, tiniest, most infinitesimally diminutive level of existence, way down past the flies and the crumbs, past the amoeba and the blue-green algae, past the cell and the molecule, past, even, the beloved endoplasmic reticulum, there dwell the mighty elementary particles. Yes, the elementary particles, whisking little dandies with some charge or other and nothing better to do than enhance the ever increasing sketch factor of quantum physics. The electron, for example.


The Lark Ascending


The act of writing about intellectualism (and the lack of it in certain unmentionable places) naturally leads to a consideration of just what it is that fuels a person to whom the label "intellectual" applies.


Friday Night Sonata


It was early spring, and I had already spent a weary hour headed back up to Hanover on the Dartmouth Mini Coach from Logan Airport.


Take Back the Night


Tonight hundreds of women and some men will march throughout the campus chanting and making noise as part of the annual Take Back the Night march.


Students Played a Big Part in Clothesline Project


To the Editor: WISE (Women's Information Service) would like to thank the Dartmouth community for supporting and collaborating with WISE and the work we do. Many students have offered their time and commitment as hotline, office and school outreach volunteers.


Addressing Sexual Assault


Recent discussion on the high incidence of sexual assault at Dartmouth has brought many important issues to light, issues that are often submerged in this community. The discussion titled "Dartmouth: A Culture of Violence," a part of Sexual Assault Awareness Week, was very important in bringing the opinions of rape victims and social advocates to light.


"Cool" Plans After Graduation?


That's so cool that you have rejected the whole corporate recruiting investment banking and consulting complex." More than once, I have heard words to this effect from my younger peers.


The True Identity of the Assembly


Mr. Weaver: Far be it for me, an experienced intellectual neophyte, to refute your clearly-defined and well-argued assertion that the Student Assembly does not, in fact, exist and that any philosophical attempt to prove otherwise is doomed to failure ["Its That Time of Year Again ..." The Dartmouth, April 9], but that is precisely what I plan to do.