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The Dartmouth
June 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Blind Justice and Supreme Irony


As I watch newly empowered Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts begin his journey as an untouchable constitutional deliberator, I can't help but wonder what kind of legacy he will leave.


Testing our Conscience


To the Editor: Mr. Riner's speech pricked the conscience of a university. Dartmouth is an institution in which ideas should be introduced and examined for their validity. In light of this, it is interesting that so many faculty and students alike would lash out at the notion of holding up Jesus, the most influential man in human history, as an example for people to follow.


Moans About Cell Phones


Watching four '09s simultaneously whip out their cell phones and exchange phone numbers, my friends and I chuckled as we ate dinner at Food Court the other week.


Approaching the Alumni Constitution


To the Editor: I hope that the letter byAndrew Getraer '86 ("Disingenuous Behavior," Oct. 3) does not represent how most alumni will approach the discussion and voting on the proposed new alumni constitution.Andrew seems to have made his mind up, but a few things need to be clarified for anyone else interested in this topic. First, "Changing the Rules" was not an article, it was an opinion piece byJoseph Asch '79.I would encourage alumni to read the proposal themselves and not rely on someone else's interpretation, it deserves thoughtful consideration and an informed debate. Second, the constitutional reform started by the Association of Alumni and the Alumni Council began before the recent election of petition candidates to the Board of Trustees.


The Magic of Hanover

To the Editor: It was reassuring to read that Daniel Chiu '09 ("Taking One Step Forward," Oct.


Women and Careers


To the Editor: We find several incorrect assumptions in Ms. Gosse's letter to the editor, in which she laments the "trend towards motherhood among Ivy League Women" ("Women: Leave Home", Oct.


Tolerance and the Folly of Skeptics


The recent controversy over Noah Riner's convocation speech has inspired many Dartmouth students to raise their guard and insist that a speech defending absolute truth and encouraging a change of beliefs is inappropriate. Although we claim openness, we are actually deeply committed to a particular view of reality, which we affirm in others who share it and oppose in those who do not. William Willimon, the chaplain of Duke University, recently spoke to a group of Canadians who questioned his conviction that Christians should attempt to convert unbelievers to Christianity.


Taking One Step Forward


As an '09 who's only been at Dartmouth for a mere three and a half weeks, I'm definitely still in my "take one step forward and two steps back" phase.


The Right Response to Katrina


The effects of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita will be felt long after New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Coast are restored to their former conditions. The suffering of victims will surely linger, reconstruction costs will be felt for years and, as is the aftermath of all disasters whether man-made or natural, the government will enact long-term legislation -- and pour in billions of dollar -- aimed at deterring similar catastrophes in the future. In our efforts to improve what has been, by all admissions, an "inexcusable" disaster response capacity, we Americans would be wise to reexamine our foreign policy agenda as well.