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The Dartmouth
July 26, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note

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Why does it feel like every time the sun comes out, it’s close to freezing the next day? We would love for Hanover weather to pick a lane, but unfortunately, we know this season all too well to expect that. Springtime here is unpredictable, and it sometimes feels like Dartmouth is hot-and-cold in more ways than just the weather. 

This week at Mirror, we take a deep dive — both literally and figuratively — into the unexpected. While two of our writers chronicle their experience trying the “daily dip” challenge, another writer speaks with the owners of emotional support animals about the unforeseen tribulations of caring for a pet on campus. We reflect on the difficulty of navigating Dartmouth’s dating scene and unpack some of the more surprising results of this fall’s Marriage Pact survey. Lastly, one writer braves an entire week without her phone and writes about what it’s like to live college life unplugged. 

We know that week four can bring uncertainty — and whether you’re stressing about upcoming midterms or wondering how long mud season will last, we hope that this issue of Mirror brings you a bit of certitude. And while we don’t have all the answers, perhaps you will join us in embracing the questions, as well. 

Caris White

Caris is a '23 from Long Beach, CA and is majoring in religion modified with art history. When not editing stories for the Mirror, you can find her playing club soccer, snowboarding at the Skiway or sipping coffee in Sherman Art Library. After college, she plans on attending graduate school in religion.

Arielle Feuerstein

Arielle Feuerstein ’24 is an English major from Bethesda, Maryland. She currently serves as the production executive editor, and in the past, she wrote and edited for Mirror. In addition to writing, Arielle enjoys crocheting, board games and walks around Occom Pond.