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The Dartmouth
October 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note

We take a glimpse through the looking glass for graduating seniors of the Class of 2021 and read stories of their time at Dartmouth


The pandemic has affected students of all ages in different ways. Although it's easy to claim that one Class had it worse than another, we have all had our college experiences irreversibly altered. And for the Class of 2021, they will be graduating from Dartmouth in just a few weeks following over a year of largely remote learning. 

In this week’s issue of Mirror, we hear the stories from former editors and directorate members of the Class of 2021. They reflect on their college experiences through a TTLG: “Through the Looking Glass.” In these pieces, we learn about how Eowyn Pak ’21 is coping with an anticlimactic end to her Dartmouth experience, how Sarah Alpert ’21 has come to terms with a bittersweet graduation after not having a regular term at Dartmouth for almost two years and how Lily Johnson ’21 is haunted by the remnants of the Dartmouth she used to know. 

Although most of the ’21s had a normal Dartmouth experience for nearly their first three years, the pandemic still remains an integral part of the culmination of their time in college. They, like all of us, have faced challenges and disappointments. But their time as members of the Dartmouth community has not, and never will, come to an end. They've got, as the old song goes, “the still North in their hearts/The hill winds in their veins/And the granite of New Hampshire/In their muscles and their brains.”