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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Administration Has Ignored Current Coed Houses

To the Editor:

While reading all the coverage and commentary on President Wright's announcement of the new residential initiative, it would have been easy for someone unfamiliar with Dartmouth to assume that all Greek organizations at Dartmouth are single-sex.

But the reality is that the "C" in CFS stands for coed, and there are organizations in the Greek system that have been coed since the 1970s.

I am disappointed that the remarks from the President and the Trustees say nothing about the exisiting coed organizations on campus. I don't mean just the houses in the CFS system, but also the undergraduate societies and coed senior societies on campus.

All of these organizations have worked for years to create coed social spaces on campus, often with little notice or support from the administration. Now that the College has expressed a commitment to foster a "substantially coeducational" social and residential life on campus, I hope the members and alumni/ae of these organizations will be given the opportunity to share their experience with the rest of the College community.