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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors’ Note

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Week 6 has arrived. A rainy week reaffirmed the muddy misery that April in New Hampshire can bring, but hopefully we will be treated to the promised May flowers. Seniors, I hope you are celebrating the end of your time at Dartmouth while also overcoming the possible existential dread that your last term at Dartmouth may bring. The rest of you, I hope you are still trying to find a way to complete your work while every ’23 you know seems to be doing anything but working. 

This week at Mirror, our pieces include a sit-down with author Matt Richardson ’91 to discuss his new book “Black Canvas: A Campus Haunting,” as well as an exploration of student-run theater companies at Dartmouth. A senior writer reflects on her very special pair of Nike Blazers, while a freshman writer questions her typical day-to-day schedule after a visit from a friend. Lastly, one writer investigates the aura around the Collis Special after sampling the Special every day for a week. 

There’s a gentle somberness that Week 6 brings, a chance to reflect on the first half of term while considering what the rest of the term may bring. We realize how quickly these first five weeks have passed — and how little time we have left before the summer. Green Key is in two weeks, and after that, the term is basically over, right? Soon we will be starting jobs and internships and traveling and spending time with family and friends … or for those lucky few, beginning sophomore summer. But, as one writer this week highlighted, there’s still plenty of time between now and the end of term. At Mirror, we hope this last month brings everything you wish it does.