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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note

 Summer school is usually a punishment­ — an undesirable consequence that should be avoided at all costs. At Dartmouth, however, we embrace summer school. We partake in traditions new and old, we take classes we would never normally think to take and we explore relationships with the people we will spend the most time with during our time at Dartmouth. We see summer school for the hidden gem that it is.

This week, the Mirror excavates some of the hidden gems of campus and sophomore summer. We take a closer look at experiences that defy first impressions: whether that be a terrifying jump off a cliff into a river, a culinary institution that some might call “grim” or a game that asks you to connect with other people on a deeper level than before. We examine how our first impressions of these experiences — no matter how negative — can be changed for the better, so long as we are willing to push ourselves deeper than we have before.

It is the nature of a hidden gem, after all, to have to look for it. Sometimes, recognizing that there is something to be looking for is the first step.