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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editor's Note

Tonight is one of milestones. The end of a truly terrifying and wild election, a very lit issue and the closure of Hayley-the-jaded-senior’s™ reign as Mirror editor. “Co-editor,” Lauren corrected. If Hayley is currently trying to fight back nostalgia for her favorite extra-curricular and all the late nights laughing at memes with the sassy but beloved Lauren, this issue is her knight in shining armor. Sorry, Hillary. Hayley has been looking forward to this issue, which is themed around beauty, since she was a young, bright eyed, bushy tailed junior, when she dreamed of facilitating deep discussions among writers and members of the Dartmouth community. We sent out a campus survey asking people to submit the most beautiful people they know, with an emphasis on inner beauty. We received answers in which people wrote heartfelt descriptions of some of the most important people they knew. Some wrote about life-changing professors, while some listed less serious responses, including Harambe and “ur mom lol.” We picked the people who seemed to have the most soul power, then we instructed our writers to take them on dates. They got to know them and found out what makes them tick. The result? Storybook beautiful. Dartmouth might not be perfect, but we’re lucky that there are a lot of beautiful people to love here, and if we’re luckier, to love us back.