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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

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Buried cars

Pumpkin snickerdoodles: Nice work, Collis.

“Spring Awakening”:We've never seen the show and are waiting with bated breath for opening night on Friday. Getting to watch our friends in racy, inappropriate scenes with singing? Don't mind if we do.

Last chance:This weekend might just be your last chance to hit the town hard. Regrets will pile up next week, when you suddenly realize that the 40-page paper that seemed impossibly distant is suddenly relevant. Seize the day while you can.

Summer jobs:All of our friends are suddenly miraculously employed by the rich and powerful. They've replaced their interview suits with smug smiles and a sense of purpose. We're still (pretending to be) looking.

Tour groups:A bunch of little ones have been running around campus and interrupting our FFB study time. Maybe the warm spell attracted them.

Senior swim test