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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

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BETA'S BACK: Break out your America gear — probation is over.

SNOW SCULPTURE MYSTERY: We are more and more intrigued with every single wooden board that gets placed on this mystery box...

DARTMOUTH OLYMPIANS: Did you know that 25 Dartmouth athletes are going for gold at the Sochi Olympics this winter? We're pretty impressed. See if you can spot them around campus. We bet you can't. They're in Russia.

PROTEST: We know there was a protest at the MLK keynote speech, and we know it was a big deal, but we haven't found someone who knows what it was about yet. Give us a call if you have any details.

MIDTERM DENIAL: It's week three, which means you should probably go buy your books and stop lurking around KAF.