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The Dartmouth
October 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note

This week, we took a deeper look at social issues that Dartmouth has confronted (namely, Lohse-pocalypse) and how the College has handled and learned from them. As two juniors (?!) having lived through many less-than-flattering Dartmouth headlines, we have had a lot of time to reflect on our very own social problems and successes.

We’re both members of the fairer sex, and have experienced our fair share of difficulties navigating fraternity culture. We’ve watched Dartmouth’s admissions yields fluctuate after controversies, and we’ve wondered whether cracking down on newly affiliated women wearing Minnie Mouse costumes in Collis solves any of Dartmouth’s deeper problems.

But we’ve also been lucky enough to experience the extremely positive social outlets that Dartmouth has to offer. One of us is affiliated, and the other isn’t. Erin sings for the Dartmouth Decibelles, and Marina competes in the Mock Trial Society, and both of us have traveled with these groups so much that they feel like family. We’ve both spent too many hours to count in Robinson Hall working on this paper, and we’ve acquired an incredible community as a result of that. In short, Dartmouth has surrounded us with people we couldn’t live without.

The social scene at this school has undeniably faced its share of criticisms, many of which have been both accurate and necessary. We have no doubt that more challenges will present themselves in the years to come, but we also have no doubt that the incredible things about Dartmouth — its people and its potential to create communities — will continue to push us forward.

Feel free to blitz us anytime at with Overheards, questions, compliments or concerns.