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The Dartmouth
August 31, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

The Mirror Asks Parents of '15s: What is your impression of Dartmouth?

"While I didn't attend Dartmouth, I can definitely see the sense of community and feel the camaraderie that Dartmouth offers. The Dartmouth experience for our daughter has been one to not only offer top-notch academics, but also one that offers an opportunity to explore, develop and better oneself." Carol Oniskey, mother of Micayla Oniskey '15

"When we drive up [I-91] to get to Dartmouth, we think of all the schools our daughter could have attended that were far closer to home. But, for a kid who grew up in Manhattan, we can think of no better place to spend four years than Hanover, New Hampshire. The remote location can't help but foster a close community, where people from all backgrounds can blend their unique cultures and talents. We wanted our daughter to get a superb education in a rural environment where she will make lifelong friends. So far, Dartmouth is just what we ordered." Lynne Uniman, mother of Emily Uniman '15

"We were thrilled when our daughter Margaret decided to apply to Dartmouth. Both our families have had numerous members attend Dartmouth, and it is a valuable and beloved part of our family tradition. We realize today's students are so accomplished and versatile it must be challenging at times to maintain perspective as a first-year student. Parents [of freshmen] should be immensely proud of their Dartmouth children. It has been a delight to meet Margaret's friends, and we look forward to the coming years and observing the paths they choose." Meaghan Ramsden, mother of Margaret Ramsden '15

"We have been hugely impressed with Dartmouth, from the dimensional outdoors program to the challenging array of interesting science courses. We are very happy with the education and experience that Christine has enjoyed." Mary Ellen Kanoff, mother of Christine Kanoff '15

"[Dartmouth] listens to all the needs of the kids and facilitates between students and professors. Whenever I tell other parents, they are astounded that an Ivy League school goes that far for their students. They really make sure that a kid is going to have a healthy experience. The other thing that I felt was that unlike other larger schools, the College seems to want to allow kids to explore many different avenues and provides the opportunity for that. I also think that it's amazing that there are so many student-led groups because it facilitates learning different leadership opportunities. The fact that it's a small community in the middle of nowhere really fosters a familial relationship. Whenever I meet Dartmouth alums, they are over-the-moon excited that my child is going there." Susan Petterson-Rae, mother of Jadyn Petterson-Rae '15

"I think Dartmouth allows you to develop yourself as few institutions are capable of doing. The combination of the rural setting, incredible resources, student body and emphasis on undergraduate education is unparalleled. I'm incredibly proud of my daughter's acceptance and matriculation. I believe Dartmouth will help her explore and enhance her intellectual, social and emotional development and give her a great base for lifelong learning and growth." Mike Oniskey, father of Micayla Oniskey '15