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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Bio prof: Well it seems like a waste of agave to make sweeteners when you could be making tequila

'12 Girl: Oh my god, the only thing keeping me going is that I'm too young to fail.

Prof on FSP: I don't give out low grades. I know the rules.

'11 Psi U: I think I'm going to start taking jackets that are left at Psi U for more than a week and sew them into the inside of my jeans for the winter.

'11 Guy to '14 Girl: I am actually not hooking up with anyone besides you and my two girlfriends.

Professor: It's like a freshman theme. '13 Girl: What's a freshman theme?Professor: Like in these papers these freshmen write and you have no f*cking clue what they're talking about.

'13 Guy: Collis baked goods are the highlight of my Dartmouth experience. They're the one thing I couldn't get at any other school.

Chinese Prof: Underwear is a conspiracy.