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The Dartmouth
June 15, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Breaking Through

Pop quiz: What do all girls love

more than chocolate, Grey's Anatomy

and gay best friends? If you answered

puppies, you're 100% correct. If this Valentine's

Day marks a big commitment

for you and your fl ame, surprise her

with her very own furry little bundle

of canine joy. Bonus points if it comes

wearing a bow and Cupid-style diaper. I

mean seriously, who in their right mind

can possibly resist the cute furry things

-- just as loveable as babies minus the

whole lifetime investment buzz-kill.

And unlike human babies, they can

be trained to shit outside rather than

crawl around wearing their own fecal

matter all day.

For those of you not quite prepared

to drop the big bucks on a perpetual

urination machine, or fear the possibility

of a joint custody battle later on, you

can settle for something a little more

reasonable. For example, if you've

been seeing someone for about four

to six months but are not quite ready

to take your relationship to the next

level, I would recommend a chinchilla.

On the opposite end of the spectrum,

if your fun fl ing is beginning to feel

more like a dysfunctional marriage,

how about a tasteful lizard? Preferably

something boring and dried up, just

like her. If you're just in it for the sex, I

would recommend some sort of exotic

shaven rat. I think she'll get the hint.

**Little known tidbit, courtesy of

Cosmo: Animals can also serve as an

innovative way to spice up the bedroom

scene. Try dressing up your newly

purchased chinchilla in a sexy nurse

costume or slutty French maid outfi t,

and voila! You have yourself an kinky

interspecies menage a trois.

Winter blues getting you down? Just

because the Hanover great outdoors

are dull and frigid doesn't mean your

sex life has to be. This Valentine's Day,

treat your special someone to the Alternative

Dartmouth Seven. First, make

her feel young again by serenading

her in the place where many of our

freshman experiences began -- the

BEMA, of course. To truly emulate the

DOC experience, try skipping out on

showering for four days and binge on

Vermont Cabot cheddar beforehand

for some added zest. Invite a socially

awkward freshman, some Ultimate

Frisbee players in fl air and, if possible,

a live moose, and chances are you'll be

salty doggy-styling all night.

For your next stops on the Seven,

try role playing as Mr. and Mrs.

Wright on the President's Lawn, see

how long you can delay frostbite in

the snow sculpture and read the most

erotic Dr. Seuss passages aloud to

each other in the stacks. How about

Hop on Pop, for the Electra complex

in all of us?

While you're (going) at it, skip

out on the football fi eld's cliched

50-yard line. Make sure she knows

you're a winner and try a team with

a more impressive record. As your

coital locale, I would recommend

the center of the ice hockey rink;

while I can't guarantee there won't

be ice burn, I can promise a really

great Zam-boner. (ZING!)

For the grand fi nale, take her for a

wintry ride she'll never forget -- one

that preferably doesn't include the

words "reverse" or "cowgirl." Begin

by kidnapping exactly fi ve docile fraternity

dogs, four cafeteria trays and

one medium sized marching band

member. These tasks, by the way, can

easily be accomplished with a large garbage

bag, a fl ute and a ham sandwich

attached to a string. Next, call her on a

pay phone and breathe heavily on the

other line for several seconds. Repeat

seven or eight times in the three days

leading up to Valentine's Day, and on

the fi nal call instruct her to meet you

at the Giant Squid at exactly 7 p.m. If

she objects, whisper, "I'm watching

you" and hang up quickly. If you are

looking to make a particularly strong

impression, try leaving romantic notes,

written in red paint and/or your own

blood in her Hinman Box. Nothing

gets that lusty adrenaline pumping like

a few good-natured death threats.

On the big night, arrive fashionably

dressed in head-to-toe black with the

sedated marching band member on

hand and frat dogs tied to the cafeteria

trays. When your adventurous miss

arrives, show her that love is truly

blind -- literally, with a black bandana

around her eyes.

Feeling tied down? Well, return

the favor with strong rope securely

fastened to the cafeteria tray. For the

grand fi nale, have your very own

sleigh dogs pull you around the green

to the trumpeted tune of "Winter

Wonderland." Relax and enjoy the

scenic Hanoverian landscape with your

special someone, gagged, blindfolded

and securely fastened... to your heart,

that is. Bon Voyage!

Disclaimer: The above activities are not

intended to be taken seriously. If you,

or someone you know, has suggested

any of the aforementioned acts, please

contact your local SAPA immediately.

Sandra is a writer for The Mirror but

neither she nor The Mirror can be held

legally accountable for anything that

happens, ever.