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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Inside this issue

I am thankful for:

-- Family, friends and laughter.

-- Dartmouth -- well most of it.

-- Collis baked goods, Molly's bread and Earl Grey tea.

-- Formals and Andr.

-- I'd be thankful if you got me an internship!

I am NOT thankful for:

-- Leap years and such that make my 21st birthday fall on Thanksgiving. Turkey, cranberry sauce, rage! Um, not really.

-- Dartmouth winters that make me (more) pasty.

-- Globs of cooked spinach.

-- Uncoordinated formal dates.

-- Internship applications.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for reading The Mirror. It's been grand.

And, I'm out with a bang. *!