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The Dartmouth
June 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Inside This Issue

I have never really thought about starting a blog, because I don't really think I would have enough deep/shallow thoughts to fill it and keep my readership happy. But, I thought I would test my blogging skills out, let me know what you think:

9:14 a.m.: [I'm an early riser] I did not read weather-dot-com this morning, nor did I check my weather widget, so I wore a skirt. The sunshine was deceiving, as it was rather brisk and windy. My fashion choice quickly finds itself in a battle with gusts of wind. Embarrassing moment #1: I pull a Marilyn Monroe and my skirt flies up as I walk into the library.

9:20 a.m.: After a quick stop at Novack to pick up my daily cinnamon raisin bagel and Earl Grey tea, I head to my favorite niche in the library [I won't disclose the location, because then, well you could stalk me or something]. I open my computer and "Every Time We Touch" starts blaring. This would be embarrassing moment #2.

9:55 a.m.: In need of a study break, I head to Collis. I purchase some other breakfast items. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! As I stand in line, my skirt flies up yet again making it three embarrassing moments in less than an hour. Damn fan.

10:00 a.m.: Return to bed. I will conquer the day later.

I hope my embarrassing-moment-filled life, makes you feel better about yours.