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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Congress Increases Dependency on Oil


Gregory Richards, in "It's Time to Kick the Oil Habit," [The Dartmouth, April 22] rightly points out that our dependency on oil imports from the Middle East increases our trade deficit, damages the environment, and also pushes our finite oil reserves to exhaustion.


Moose is not a Suitable Mascot


To the Editor: It has been my impression that many people who are supporting the moose as the new Dartmouth mascot are doing so because they think that the moose would be a "cute" mascot.


The Nuances of Dating


So what's up with dating at Dartmouth? I happen to be friends with two individuals who tried this rare and endangered form of courtship at this college.


Dartmouth Will Lose One of Its Finest


Dartmouth College -- an institution which prides itself on high academic standards, exceptional students and distinguished faculty members, an institution which was recently awarded the number one rating in U.S.


Don't Chug


One thing I know is that there is plenty of at Dartmouth is beer. None of the Student Assembly president or vice presidential candidates I've come across call for more beer at fraternities or for alcoholic beverages to be served at Full Fare.


How Private Is BlitzMail?


Dartmouth College is run by computers. No matter how many times I was told this as a prospective just about a year ago, I never fathomed the role technology plays on this campus until I became a part of it.


Johnson Off-track With Facts About Fraternities


To the Editor: Eric Newton '97 wrote a sorely needed and well-written response to Miranda Johnson '97's editorial about affinity housing at Dartmouth ["Dispelling Notions of Segregation ", April 16, 1996]. However, I would like to correct an error in Newton's letter.


China's Inexorable Transformation to a Democracy


Since the Clinton administration--arguing that trade most effectively transfers democratic principles abroad--delinked human-rights issues from those of trade, human-rights groups in the United States have denounced the government after every incident of the Chinese authority's abuse of its citizens.


Focus Should Shift From Categorizing By Race


To the Editor: This is in reference to Debbie Carbornaro '97's op-ed ["The Shades of Multicultural Crayons," April 17, 1996].. In the same breath, Carbornaro both calls for "[the day when] multiculturalism is no longer a separate category to be found in a campus committee" and bemoans the dismantling of affirmative action, citing the University of California's recent decision.


Radio Days


Imagine working 20-50 hours per week without pay in addition to taking a normal Dartmouth course load while trying to maintain some semblance of a normal student life.