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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Jean Saunders
The Setonian

Focus Should Shift From Categorizing By Race

To the Editor: This is in reference to Debbie Carbornaro '97's op-ed ["The Shades of Multicultural Crayons," April 17, 1996].. In the same breath, Carbornaro both calls for "[the day when] multiculturalism is no longer a separate category to be found in a campus committee" and bemoans the dismantling of affirmative action, citing the University of California's recent decision.

The Setonian

Lendvai's Development of Satire Asymmetrical and Hasty

To the Editor: I realized my mistake yesterday concerning Robert Lendvai's article [April 3,] after reading John Strayer's rebuttal [April 4,] the following day. I can only point out that Lendvai's article is a poor example of the "classic slippery slope" that he must have intended and a perfect example of a straight and sudden drop. The last several paragraphs are, I assume, supposed to be the satirical revelation of his article. The extremist points Lendvai includes in his last comments are his entire argument; however, they are not mentioned anywhere in the previous paragraphs, thus making his attempt at satire asymmetrical and unparallel. Satire should be developed carefully throughout a piece, not hastily tacked onto the end.

The Setonian

Lendvai '99 Depicts Free Speech Inaccurately

To The Editor: It is so ironic that liberals are often the most intolerant people around. Robert Lendvai's diatribe against free speech ["Limit Free Speech," The Dartmouth, April 3] was the best proof of this phenomenon I've seen in a long time.

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