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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Inside This Issue


I have never really thought about starting a blog, because I don't really think I would have enough deep/shallow thoughts to fill it and keep my readership happy.


Steph's So Dartmouth: Urinal Euphoria


By Stephanie Herbert The Dartmouth Staff As columnist emeritus, I have spent the last two terms sequestered in my room, compulsively reading The D online and breaking my vow of silence only to sing Gregorian chants and, on particularly wild nights of solitude, babble in tongues while rocking back and forth, clutching my beloved stuffed hippo.


Gay Dartmouth


Hoots and hollers could be heard from Collis porch Wednesday afternoon -- and the votes weren't done processing for the Student Assembly presidential race.




'07 Guy: "Could I get one of those blueberry rigs?" Novack employee: "You mean a scone?" Novack, Sunday night '07 Girl: "Whoa, Boobs." '06 Girl: "It's not her fault they're big." '07 Girl: "You know, I have large breasts too.


The Dartmouth Blogosphere


NERD ALERT! Because of my intense dedication to journalistic excellence, I have spent the better part of the last few days glued to my computer screen reading the diaries of strangers.


Is Love in the Air?


The tours are bigger. The NorthFaces are disappearing. The sun is occasionally visible. There's no mistaking it: springtime at Dartmouth has arrived.


Alice Unchained: Just (don't) say no to Dartmouth


Dear Prospective Student: Welcome to the hands-down tied for ninth best place on Earth. By now, you may or may not have been "dung" by that college you foolishly attempted to dirty rush, and it's time to realize that Dartmouth is the right house for you.


Inside This Issue


Life at Dartmouth is far from stagnant. Since matriculating last fall, I have witnessed several life-altering -- ok, fine, campus-alterning -- changes: there are a few more buildings (maybe I'll make it to the new gym?




"If I gain 1.4 more pounds, I'll have gained 20 pounds this year!" '09 girl to other '09 girl walking to EW from the gym Girl with German accent: "Hey is there a party here tonight?" Guys: "Yeah, downstairs." Girl with German accent: "Sex on the beach party?" Guys: "Yup." Girl with German accent: "But where's the sand and the um ... sex?" Guys: "Uh, yeah, sex on the beach is a drink, it's the punch downstairs." Girl with German accent: "Oh, ok." [walks away dismayed] Chi Gam, Friday night "My first confession was when I was 12.