Post-debate breakdown with DNC Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz

By The Dartmouth Staff | 10/12/11 3:31pm



De­spite the flurry of cam­era and recorder-wield­ing re­porters who flooded cam­paign­ers in the spin room post-de­bate, we stum­bled upon a some­what in­con­spic­u­ous De­mo­c­ra­tic Na­tional Com­mit­tee Chair­woman and Rep. Deb­bie Wasser­man Schultz, D-Fla., stand­ing alone in the min­utes im­me­di­ately fol­low­ing the broad­cast.

In a pre­dictable ef­fort to down­play the Re­pub­li­can Party and pro­mote Pres­i­dent Barack Obama, DWS calmly told us that she found the whole de­bate “not sur­pris­ing and in­cred­i­bly dis­ap­point­ing.” More of her thoughts below:

“I wasn’t sur­prised not to hear any pro­pos­als for how to get the Amer­i­can peo­ple back to work, how to cre­ate jobs," she said.

“Try­ing to pin down Mitt Rom­ney is like try­ing to nail down Jello.”

Re­gard­ing the can­di­dates' health care philoso­phies: “As a breast can­cer sur­vivor, it sad­dens me that they think we should go back to the old way of doing things.”

On all eight de­bat­ing can­di­dates: “Not only do they op­pose the cur­rent pol­icy, they pro­pose noth­ing in the al­ter­na­tive.”

Sum­ma­riz­ing the de­bate: “I don’t think it changes the dy­nam­ics at all.”

Re­gard­ing Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., en­dors­ing for­mer Gov. Mitt Rom­ney, R-Mass., just hours be­fore the de­bate: “It's just one gov­er­nor with a dis­mal record on jobs sup­port­ing an­other gov­er­nor with a dis­mal record on jobs.”

On the GOP can­di­dates: “They’re all in­ter­change­able.”

The Dartmouth Staff