Elshamy '09 wins Mitchell Scholarship

By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 11/28/09 1:34pm


Courtesy Of Dartmouth.Edu

First a Tru­man, and then a Mitchell.
Dart­mouth se­nior Ibrahim Elshamy ’09, who was awarded a Tru­man Schol­ar­ship last year, is now one of nine re­cip­i­ents of a Mitchell Schol­ar­ship to pur­sue post-grad­u­ate work at a uni­ver­sity in Ire­land or North­ern Ire­land.
Elshamy, a dou­ble major in Asian and Mid­dle East­ern Stud­ies and Na­tive Amer­i­can Stud­ies, will study for mas­ter’s de­gree in peace and con­flict stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Ul­ster. Elshamy is cur­rently the stu­dent di­rec­tor of the Tucker Foun­da­tion at Dart­mouth and the for­mer pres­i­dent of the Mus­lim stu­dent or­ga­ni­za­tion Al-Nur. He re­ceived the Dean’s Prize in June 2009.
“I am hum­bled to re­ceive this schol­ar­ship, named for a per­son I ad­mire, for­mer U.S. sen­a­tor and peace­maker George Mitchell. I in­tend to de­vote my life to find­ing ways that em­power oth­ers to im­prove their lives, com­mu­ni­ties, and achieve their hopes,” Elshamy said in a Col­lege press re­lease.

The Dartmouth Web Staff