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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note


Well, looks like we spoke too soon! Spring has, indeed, not sprung here in Hanover, as evidenced by this week’s heavy snow squall. Leave it to the unpredictable New England weather to keep us on our toes. But there is something almost encouraging about a late-winter snowstorm — something that screams, “You haven’t seen the last of me yet!” Maybe it’s the nostalgic senior in us that has us deriving meaning from meteorological terms we only just learned of (seriously, what even is a snow squall?), or maybe we’re onto something. 

This week at Mirror, we explore the introduction of coeducation at Dartmouth and the reactions of male students at the time. We investigate the community of avid Wordle players on campus and the history of student-run website Layup List. We talk to students celebrating Ash Wednesday and students in Dartmouth’s notoriously difficult organic chemistry course.

This week, we urge you to take some advice from the weather — it’s not over til it’s over. Sure, it’s week 9 and finals are right around the corner, but don’t let that stop you. Don’t be afraid to cause some chaos; winter term hasn’t seen the last of you yet.