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The Dartmouth
August 31, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note

This week at Mirror, writers chat about the gossip that surrounds us.


Let’s be honest — who doesn’t love some good, old-fashioned gossip? And at a small school like Dartmouth, stories spread like wildfire. As information circulates and evolves from one gossiper to the next, it’s hard to tell which fables are false and if there’s any truth in the rumors. 

This week at Mirror, we unpack the gossip that surrounds us. As students speculate what the upcoming summer term has in store for them, we investigate the expectations and realities of the all-important sophomore summer. We discuss the recovery process for students who have sustained concussions and they share the true reasons why these injuries are so difficult to combat. We recount high-profile scandals at Dartmouth that have gained national media attention. Lastly, one writer reveals her stories about her time away from campus — and all the growth that comes with it. 

In a world of ever-changing information, it can be difficult not to get lost in the rumors. We hope this issue expels some misconceptions. But if you just can’t bear to part with the gossip — your secret will be safe with us.