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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Daily Debriefing

Demonstrations in Kabul, Afghanistan, turned violent on Monday after President Hamid Karzai's decision to change the name of Kabul Education University to the Martyr of Peace Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani University, The New York Times reported. Supporters of Rabbani and the name change, some of whom appeared to have been transported to the rally in police cars, initiated the altercation with primarily student protesters who had been protesting peacefully for 17 days. The Kandahar International Airport and a street in Kabul were also renamed to commemorate Rabbani, a prominent civil war figure, for the one-year anniversary of his assassination on Sept. 21. Renaming the university stirred controversy because of Rabbani's minority racial ties, his political philosophy and his role in a previous attack on the university, according to The Times.

Duke University removed its statute of limitations on reporting incidents of sexual assault and harassment following confusion over guidelines put forth by the U.S. Education Department's Office for Civil Rights last year, Inside Higher Ed reported. The statute limited the period of time after a harassment incident in which students could file complaints. In January, Duke officials reduced the period from two years to one year in response to a memorandum from the Office for Civil Rights that urged all colleges to comply with federal expectations, an action that prompted outrage from many students. Duke administrators said they have since realized that they misinterpreted the letter's suggestions regarding Title IX, exemplifying the widespread confusion surrounding the letter, according to Inside Higher Ed.

University research libraries are increasing spending and adjusting staffing to accommodate increased demand for digital materials, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported. The trend began in 2011 after several years of decreased research funding due to the financial crisis. Although spending varies by institution, there has been an increase in demand for digital material and a shift in purchasing and staffing trends. Library users have become less dependent, compelling libraries to fill staff positions with fewer but more expert, technology-savvy librarians, The Chronicle reported.