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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Correcting misconceptions

To the Editor:

A letter on July 6 ("A Positive First Step") states that the Fall 2006 election of officers for the Association of Alumni has been canceled -- this has also been stated in other places, but it is not true. The election has been postponed.

The executive committee has stated that if the constitutional proposal fails the elections will be scheduled and held once that result is known. If the proposal passes the normal elections will be replaced by the transition plan in the proposal. There is precedent for a postponement: an Association meeting was postponed in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks and held on a later date within the same fiscal year. The controversy around this decision is manufactured, in my opinion. What is the point in having an election for officers in the final days of a vote on a constitution that will dissolve their offices if it passes?