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The Dartmouth
June 3, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Grelotti '96 enters Assembly race

David Grelotti '96 announced Friday he will run for Student Assembly president as a write-in candidate on a ticket with Ping-Ann Addo '96. The election will be held tomorrow.

Grelotti said he decided to run as a write-in candidate after listening to the presidential candidates speak at last Thursday's debate, sponsored by the Green Key Society.

"I listened and I wasn't impressed," he said. "So instead of saying 'whatever,' I decided to see what would happen if I started a write-in campaign."

"I haven't been on SA, but I know how the College works," Grelotti said.

Grelotti said the Assembly needs to get "back to basics and work on problems from the ground up, instead of chipping away at the top."

Grelotti said if he is elected, his top priorities would be solving the housing crisis and working on maintaining need-blind admissions.

"I don't have any solutions right now," he said.

As president of the Assembly, Grelotti said he would use the concept of systems analysis to gather all relevant information, speak to people and then try and solve a problem.

Grelotti said he had not considered running before because he "did not think there was going to be such a slim choice" of candidates.

Grelotti is the manager of the Dartmouth women's ice hockey team, a member of the Programming Board and programming director of WDCR, the College's AM radio station.

Addo did not respond to repeated attempts to contact her yesterday.

Juniors Brandon del Pozo, Phil Ferrera and Jim Rich are running for Assembly president. Aleph Henestrosa '96, Kelii Opulauoho '96, Scott Rowekamp '97 and Bill Tovell '96 are running for vice president. The election is tomorrow.