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The Dartmouth
June 3, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Rich '96 joins SA race

Jim Rich '96 yesterday announced his intention to run for Student Assembly president next term.

Rich is the fourth to declare his candidacy along with Jim Brennan, Brandon del Pozo and Phil Ferrera.

"In the three years I've been here, the Student Assembly has failed to provide a coherent voice for students in the school," Rich said. "My goal is to somehow bring it together and create a vision."

Rich, who said he is against freshman dorms and further tuition increases, said he feels the Assembly must lobby the administration to achieve its goals.

"Passing a resolution is not the answer," he said. "The answer is lobbying on behalf of students to alumni, to the Board of Trustees and also to members to the administration to express concerns and the direction we want the school to be going 10 years from now."

Rich, a member of Alpha Delta fraternity and the Committee on Standards, said he has never served on the Assembly.

"It can't do anything but help me because so far Student Assembly in the last few years has been inefficient in providing direction for the College," Rich said. "We need someone who is going to provide a new direction and a coherent direction."

Rich said past Assemblies have been to caught up in politicking to adequately serve students.

"Simply bickering over resolutions and infighting within Student Assembly is not going to create the kind of community we want to establish here," he said.