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The Dartmouth
June 2, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Search underway to replace Blunt chief

The search for a new vice president of Development and Alumni Affairs is underway with College President James Freedman's formation of an eight member search committee.

The committee first met in late June, a month after Warren "Skip" Hance '55 announced he will retire.

Headed by Dean of Faculty James Wright, the committee has placed advertisements in The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Chronicle of Philanthropy and the Alumni Magazine to let people know of the opening.

"We have advertised the position and begun the process of getting applications and nominations," Wright said.

Freedman also sent a letter and a job description to several thousand Dartmouth alumni, inviting them to make nominations and to send in applications.

Wright said although the committee would like to move quickly on the search, deadlines will remain loose. "I don't imagine we'll be seeing any people until sometime in the fall," Wright said.

Hance, who came to the College in 1986, was responsible for some of the College's most successful fund raising, including the $25 million gift from John Berry '44 for the expansion of Baker Library, and the five year $425 million Will to Excel capital campaign.

The campaign is presently half way over and the College has already reached 65 percent of the dollar goal. "We're running ahead of time," Wright said. "This marks the solid work that was done by Hance."