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The Dartmouth
June 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Josh Marks
The Setonian

An Economics Lesson

To the Editor: William Meland's humorous piece on fuel efficiency and the evils of the free market ("Five Bucks a Gallon," The Dartmouth, Jan.

The Setonian

Criticize What You Know

To the Editor: In response to Meredith Liu '04's May 22 letter, "Embracing Compromise, I would like to point out two inconsistencies in her arguments. Her assertion that Hillel is "blindly" supporting Israel would be more compelling if she had indicated that she attends Hillel meetings.

The Setonian

Structured Choices are Limited Choices

To the Editor: I note that in your coverage of the latest trustee meeting you quote Dentzer as saying, "We strongly believe in choices, but we want those to be very structured kinds of choices," I would just like to point out to Dentzer that this sentiment is exactly what leads to the myopic world of prejudice and ignorance.

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