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The Dartmouth
May 13, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Austin Major and Freddie Fletcher
The Setonian

Rec League Legends

Well, loyal readers, the day has finally come — our last article and the end of the saga of the 2013-14 Rec League Legends. This season, we tried our best and experienced a few victories (we are not going to quantify exactly how many because the details are irrelevant). Most importantly, we had a lot of great times and some unforgettable experiences with some of Dartmouth’s best athletes.

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

Loyal readers, our tenure as the Rec League Legends is coming to an end. I know, you are sad. We are sad. The only people who probably aren’t sad are the competitors who look good at our expense and the editors who put up with our shenanigans. We have left you with a lot of questions, but the one that we would truly like to address in this column is probably the most important: what’s next in the careers of the Rec League Legends?

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

Hanover, it looks like you finally got it right. It’s spring outside after what feels like the longest tease since the Sox won a title and the Curse of the Bambino was finally lifted from Fenway (hey Freddie). Spring weather means one thing and one thing only: intramural softball. Though we obviously discussed squaring off against the softball team, we realized that they were probably up against other (obviously not more important) opponents after winning that whole Ivy League Championship thing for the first time in Dartmouth history. That, and we wanted nothing to do with Morgan McCalmon ’16 and her heater.

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

This week the Legends were ready to take on the men’s lacrosse team, a competition that I had been trash talking the entire year. Lacrosse is the only sport I ever played competitively, and I looked forward to matching up against the Big Green’s best. I was also looking forward to seeing Austin get out on the lacrosse field and seeing what he would do with a six foot pole in his hands.

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

Sports fans, this was truly a giant week in Legends history. After realizing that a comeback and sweet redemption has been mathematically impossible since the sixth week of winter term, we have truly embraced the senior spring philosophy and gone for the long ball — things we would not usually have any CHANCE of success in, but we have always wanted to try. Spoiler alert: we really have had no success in many of these things, but they have been a blast.

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

Loyal readers, real spring in the Northeast is finally upon us and you all know what that means: 50 degree temperature changes, puddles in places that defy both logic and gravity, Red Sox baseball, the Bruins in the playoffs and, most importantly, a sport we can all participate in: Marathon Monday in Boston.

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

Well, loyal readers, it finally happened. The spring finally came and, with it, the best day of the year: “Sports Day.” During “Sports Day,” classes are canceled (because it’s always on a Saturday), social events are enjoyed (often on porches) and friends come together to cheer on Dartmouth sporting events and throw every chirp they can possibly imagine at opposing teams from lesser colleges and universities.

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

It looks like spring has finally sprung here in Hanover. With warmer temperatures come two things: shorts and huge Dartmouth athletics home weekends. This past Saturday was one of those epic days where you can roll out of bed and go to games until you’re ready to get back into it. (Okay, we understand the first game was at noon, but lets be real, that’s when you roll out of bed, right?) These are the days Austin and I live for, right behind the day of the Granite League softball championship game and the final round of Masters.

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

Loyal readers, this is the season you have all been waiting for. The sun will come out. The tennis courts will be back in action. The golf course will open. Intramural softball will be played and taken way too seriously by a select few (ourselves included). More importantly, loyal readers, this is our last term in our post as the Rec League Legends. To all those major newspaper syndicates out there, we will be free agents and looking to cash in on our talents Lebron-style.

The Setonian

Rec League Legends

For varsity athletes, spring break means one thing: training trips. Since we are looking to beat varsity athletes, Austin and I figured we should go on training trips of our own. With teammwork taken care of, we struck out on our own paths to prepare physically, mentally and, most importantly, emotionally for the upcoming spring (which won’t likely arrive until Derby or Green Key, unless College President Phil Hanlon sold his soul for a sunny Dimensions weekend).

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