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The Dartmouth
September 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


A weather conspiracy


I am angry. I'm angry about the fact that I have this stupid column to write, angry that I've a paper due Friday, angry that most of my friends are out of school already, and angry that I could be playing Frisbee -- not disc -- instead of doing any work. Obviously, the source of my aggressions is the weather.


Greeks must stop harassment


This is not an assault on the Greek system. Many good times have preceded this incident. I only hope that the following will be a constructive lesson to make an enjoyable, improving system even better.


Hopkins Institute should back off


Recently, an organization of 2,000 Dartmouth alumni has been complaining about what they perceive to be an excessive number of administrators at the College. The group, called the Hopkins Institute, charges that the College is wasting money on these unnecessary employees and that the resulting bureaucracy is cluttering the administration.


On the job education


The passing of Green Key is a symbol that summer is just around the corner. Students of the College spend their summers in a variety of ways.


Abortion debate part II -- is the fetus a human?


In celebration of the end of this weekend's alcohol-consecrating festival, which I have personally found to be vastly superior to winter's pseudo-carnival, I will return to a suitably serious topic in order to get your brains moving past the hangovers from which you are undoubtedly suffering: abortion. In last week's column I set my goal at trying to refute that abortion was justified on the grounds that a person has sole control over her body and what she can do with it, although abortion is perhaps defensible on other grounds.


Drivin' cross country


Several students of mine have talked about driving across the country, but have been put off by fears for their safety or budgetary constraints. Do it, I say.


No honor in cheating


After a year of service on the Committee on Standards, I have witnessed an appalling number of academic dishonesty cases and an even larger number of excuses. Perhaps what is most upsetting is the lack of respect some students have towards the quality of their scholarship and the integrity of their classmates.