DDS Updates Website

By Sam Rauschenfels | 2/18/11 2:01pm

In a move to­wards mod­ern­iza­tion, Dart­mouth Din­ing Ser­vices has re­designed its

The new home page fea­tures pic­tures of din­ing lo­ca­tions and din­ing ac­tiv­i­ties
promi­nently dis­played at the top of the page, with DDS news un­der­neath. Daily
menus for all din­ing lo­ca­tions are avail­able in the left-hand col­umn of the page
and vis­i­tors now have the op­tion of sub­scrib­ing to a Real Sim­ple Syn­di­ca­tion menu

Links to more in­for­ma­tion — in­clud­ing a "Per­spec­tives" page dis­play­ing stu­dent views, man­ager in­for­ma­tion and pic­tures — are lo­cated across the top of the page.

Sam Rauschenfels