Crady takes new post in Minn.

By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 6/8/10 6:23pm


Jennifer Argote / The Dartmouth Senior Staff


For­mer Dean of the Col­lege Tom Crady has been named vice pres­i­dent for en­roll­ment man­age­ment at Gus­tavus Adol­phus Col­lege in St. Peter, Minn., ac­cord­ing to a Gus­tavus press re­lease.

Crady, who is sched­uled to begin work at Gus­tavus on July 15, had been teach­ing at Iowa State Uni­ver­sity as a lec­turer, ac­cord­ing to the re­lease. Gus­tavus' cur­rent vice pres­i­dent for en­roll­ment man­age­ment, Mark An­der­son, will re­tire at the end of the year, ac­cord­ing to Gus­tavus' web­site.

Crady came to Dart­mouth in 2007 after serv­ing as the vice pres­i­dent of stu­dent ser­vices at Grin­nell Col­lege in Iowa. He abruptly de­parted from the Col­lege in Au­gust 2009, cit­ing per­sonal rea­sons. His de­par­ture came amidst a se­ries of bud­get cuts, which in­cluded ad­min­is­tra­tive re­struc­tur­ing and the merger of sev­eral ad­vis­ing of­fices into the Of­fice of the Dean of Un­der­grad­u­ate Stu­dents.

Gus­tavus is a lib­eral arts col­lege af­fil­i­ated with the Lutheran church, en­rolling about 2,500 stu­dents, ac­cord­ing to its web­site.

The Dartmouth Web Staff