Anderson shines with 'Fantastic Mr. Fox'

By kelly o'brien | 12/2/09 1:53pm



Courtesy Of Bbc.Co.Uk

It just feels so right.

Writer and di­rec­tor Wes An­der­son has adapted Roald Dahl's “Fan­tas­tic Mr. Fox” to the big screen with the help of live-ac­tion pup­petry and an all-star cast.

Dahl's book tells the story of Mr. Fox and his fam­ily as they match wits with three angry farm­ers try­ing to kill them for steal­ing chick­ens.

An­der­son, with his quirky way of re­veal­ing the humor of our dys­func­tional lives, seems like the per­fect di­rec­tor to trans­fer Dahl's multi-lay­ered sen­si­bil­ity to film.

The film's live-ac­tion pup­pets won­der­fully echo the scratchy and spi­dery il­lus­tra­tions in Dahl's books and give the movie a uniquely fun feel right from the start.

If Wes An­der­son and Roald Dahl aren't enough to con­vince you that $4.50 and a walk to the Nugget The­ater are worth it, how about a voice cast that in­cludes George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Mur­ray, Owen Wil­son, Jason Schwartz­man and An­der­son him­self? Just go see it.

kelly o'brien