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The Dartmouth
August 31, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note

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It’s been a rainy week in Hanover. But while we’ve been stepping around puddles while dashing to class and thinking about how heavy our backpacks are for the second week of term, we’ve also been taking a moment to notice that the Green looks a little greener.

One of our writers this week is ducking out of the rain and into the Nugget — the local movie theater that has seen generations of students come and go. Another writer digs into the archives to see what Dartmouth Dining was like before tender quesos and Foco cookies, while the September showers have two more of our writers reflecting on the potential rewards of rejection. We also have a Q&A with graduate student Ryan Alu, whose sign caused a stir this week on the Green. Last — but never least — a writer thinks about her relationship with Dartmouth through the lens of Hanover native Noah Kahan’s “Stick Season.”

Here at Mirror, we’ll take any excuse for a rain check. Shake out your umbrella, grab yourself a mug of something warm, and wait out the storm with us. 

Caris White

Caris is a '23 from Long Beach, CA and is majoring in religion modified with art history. When not editing stories for the Mirror, you can find her playing club soccer, snowboarding at the Skiway or sipping coffee in Sherman Art Library. After college, she plans on attending graduate school in religion.

Meghan Powers
Meghan ('23) writes for the Mirror section of The Dartmouth. She is from Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, and intends to major in government with a minor in French. Some of her interests include coffee, Museum Club and Laura Dern.