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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Debating With Satan

To the Editor:

I cannot imagine that any of the serious Democratic candidates would have agreed to participate in a forum knowing that Lyndon LaRouche would be attending. LaRouche is a neo-fascist nutjob whose latest book about Dick Cheney is entitled "Children of Satan II: The Beast-Men" and who runs an international youth movement that former members have labeled a cult. Although he calls himself a Democrat, not providing information about his activities in the article is a serious breach of journalistic standards in making the Rockefeller Center's actions appear much worse than they actually were. As a Democrat I would have loved to see this forum happen, but not at the expense of offering a platform to this man. I am truly sorry for all the work that Dartmouth students put into making it happen, but the real mistake here was inviting Lyndon LaRouche in the first place.