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The Dartmouth
August 31, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Skiway lodge will be demolished today

The 44-year-old Robert Peter Brundage Lodge at the Dartmouth Skiway is set to be demolished today, with its replacement, the new McLane Family Lodge, scheduled to be opened before the start of the next ski season. The McLane Lodge -- named after contributor Andy McLane '69 -- will be a two-story, 16,000-square-foot facility capable of accommodating the more than 40,000 annual visitors to the Dartmouth Skiway in Lyme.

The demolition has been planned for some time, as it is needed to make room for the new lodge, which will be four times the size of Brundage.

McLane Lodge will boast enough for a spacious meeting room, a large ski team room, an expanded rental shop, a retail store, a ski patrol first aid area, a more efficient dining area and larger bathrooms.

In addition to the expanded ski lodge, a recent donation made possible the purchase of 20 snowmaking guns that Skiway manager Don Cutter said will help the Skiway cover the terrain more efficiently and draw even more skiers.

Ski patrol member Mike Bayer '01 told The Dartmouth he thinks everyone on the ski patrol is excited for the new lodge.