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The Dartmouth
June 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Alumni gifts set new high


When Fiscal Year 1993 concluded at the end of June, the Alumni Fund stood at record levels and The Will to Excel capital campaign held total giving at its second highest level in College history. The Alumni Fund, which includes only unrestricted donations for current use, raised $12.9 million, slightly more than the $12.8 million finish in FY '92. The capital campaign boosted both total alumni giving and total giving to their second highest levels ever. Total alumni giving, encompassing gifts targeted for specific use, such as endowments, stood at $38 million last year, just short of the record $39.5 million in FY '92. Total giving, which includes gifts from other sources like corporations and non-profit organizations, was $63.5 million, close to last year's record $69 million. At the end of the fiscal year the capital campaign reached $274.6 million, 64.6 percent of the $425 million goal.


Carnival arrives for summer


Before memories of Tubestock begin to fade, this weekend's Summer Carnival promises to deliver some fun and entertainment to break up the monotony of the long, humid summer days. Aside from the activities and parties that always seem to center around the fraternities on any big weekend, the Programming Board has organized a series of events that begin today.


Horses help disabled


Two new programs supported by Dartmouth will use horses to provide natural therapy for those suffering from mental, emotional and physical disabilities. Challenge Camp, which is run at Dartmouth's Morton Farm, and High Horses, which is supported by College volunteers, expand the horizons of handicaped children and adults by taking advantage of horseback riding as a means of therapy. Therapeutic riding is an established treatment method recognized worldwide by medical, educational and social service professionals, said Carla Manley, a registered nurse and a member of High Horse's Board of Directors. Manley added that the benefits of horseback riding as therapy have been demonstrated over the past 50 years in over 20 countries. Physically handicapped riders can learn by imitating the motions of the horse, Snyder said.


Campion shop will return to Hanover


Just two years after Campion's closed its doors, Campion's Women's Shop, an apparel store catering to a mature clientele, will return to Main Street, this time in the same building as the New Dartmouth Bank. Dorothy Campion-Corcoran and her husband Marty Corcoran announced plans to move their shop into the first floor of the building on the corner of Main Street and Lebanon Street.


Treasures in Baker


As Curator of Rare Books, Stanley Brown works diligently in an office behind the glass enclosed bookshelves of the Treasure Room in Baker Library, which houses some of the College's rare book collections. His office is cramped with piles of letters from scholars and book dealers, stacks of books ranging from Roget's Thesaurus to bound books dating to the early 18th century.


Direction of women's center left uncertain


With the departure of Director Mary Childers, The Women's Resource Center may take a different course at the College. While the success and accessibility of the Center are dependent on the Administrative Assistant and the student staff, the director's activities are a large part of the Center's visibility, according to the organization's annual report. Childers, who will take her position as head of the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office this fall, instituted many changes since coming to the College as the Center's director in 1991. But because the Center is so dependent on Childers, her departure raises questions about the Center's future direction. "The first thing that needs to be done is to discuss how to manage the Women's Resource Center on an interim basis," Dean of Students Lee Pelton said, adding that an acting director will be hired until a permanent replacement is found. Childers said she would work closely with the interim director to ensure a smooth transition and the continuation of the Center's programs. Realizing the limited resources available to the Center, Childers geared its programs to issues students felt were important, rather than developing her own agenda. "I wanted it to be a student-centered space where students identified current topics and developed programs that met the immediate needs of students," Childers said. In order to accommodate the rising awareness and need for programs dealing with the issue of sexual assault, Childers and English Professor Brenda Silver co-directed the Sexual Harassment and Rape Education Network, an umbrella for coordinating the various resources on campus dealing with the issue. SHARE encompasses the Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Committee, the Rape Education Action Committee, as well as other programs that include academic assistance, men's discussion groups and courses in self defense and rape prevention as well as other programs. "We are trying to make sure that everyone knows what everyone else is doing so we don't duplicate services, so that we know where to refer people who want to help or want to receive help," Childers said. In the last year, Childers focused particular attention on the overlap of racism and sexism.


DHMC participates in national cancer study


Fifty-one women from the local area are participating in the nationwide Breast Cancer Prevention Trial through the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. The study, which began in June 1992 in an effort to test the drug tamoxifen for its effectiveness in preventing breast cancer, has now enrolled 8,000 women throughout the U.S., half of those needed to complete the study. Tamoxifen has been used for more than 20 years with breast cancer patients both in the earlier and later stages, but has never been tried as a preventive measure. "Physical checkups and mammograms have been the only preventive methods until now," Dr. Jonathan Ross, the principal investigator of the trial, said.


SA moves on agenda


Under a revised internal structure, the summer Student Assembly is now well under way towards implementation of its agenda for the term. The Freshman Office has given the Assembly permission to organize a separate program during Freshman Orientation Week devoted to the issue of sexual assault. The Assembly Sexual Assault Task Force, chaired by Rukmini Sichitiu '95 and Danielle Moore '95, is currently preparing a 50 minute presentation that students will perform on Social Issues night. "It was felt that there was a need for more education about sexual assault during that first week that students are here," Moore said. The Assembly is now working under a new internal organization. Assembly President Nicole Artzer '94 promised to reform the committee structure of the Assembly in her Spring term campaign, just one year after the Assembly's constitution was last revised. She promised to keep the Administrative Affairs committee and abolish the Policy and Projects committees in favor of substitute groups for academic issues and extra-curricular issues. But the change requires a two-thirds vote during the regular year to revoke the article in the Assembly's constitution that establishes committee structure. To meet Artzer's promise now, the summer Policy Committee has focused on academic issues and the Projects Committee has devoted itself to extra-curricular issues. Harvey said some members of the Assembly have refrained from bringing up certain policy issues they would like to address. He said they deferred to what they perceived to be the reasons the student body elected Artzer, a desire for the Assembly to focus more on student issues. The Policy Committee will hear a presentation Wednesday night by Clare Choo '94, chair of a group seeking new classes in Korean Studies, Policy Chair Susan Foster '92 said. After three years of Assembly lobbying, the Administrative Affairs Committee anticipates that the Registrar's office will have a computerized ORC on-line in Fall term '94, Administrative Affairs Chair Steve Fagell '95 said. Administrative Affairs is preparing to make sure the administration takes student input into consideration when the Education Department's uncertain future is discussed next year. The committee is also lobbying DarTalk to purchase a new switchboard earlier than the scheduled 1995 date. According to Harvey, the Communications committee is working on next year's Chez SA menu and Gold Card, both of which will be produced by an outside company, allowing greater benefits at the same cost. The committee has convinced DarTalk to enter listings for the incoming freshman class into DND lookup. In past years it has taken several weeks for the majority of the class to discover how to enter their own telephone numbers into the network program.


Exchange program brings Russian students to Hanover


To add to the fundamental ecological theories they have already learned, three Moscow State University professors and five fifth year biology students are participating in the Moscow Environmental Studies Exchange Program this summer at the College. The Russian students are taking two courses, Environmental Studies 87, Resource Management and Environmental Protection in the United States with Professor Gail Fondahl and an English language class. Taking education beyond the classroom, the class also includes field trips to the environmentally pro-active 5 percent water treatment project at the Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory in Waterbury, Vt.


Education professors plan response


Department unites to challenge a report's recommendation of its termination Members of the education department met last week for the fourth time since April to prepare a collective response to an internal review committee's report which called for the department's termination. Although individual faculty members refused to discuss specifics of either the report or their response, Education Professor Robert Binswanger, who will write the response, said it will include provisions for "structural and organizational changes" within the department. In April, Dean of Faculty James Wright received the report and said he will not release it until the education department responds.


Students selected to budget committee


Four students will serve as undergraduate representatives to the Budget Advisory Committee next year, the second year of direct student input during meetings with the College's top budget officers. Three out of four representatives have been chosen and a fourth will be selected in the fall, so that a woman will be among the students on the committee. Seniors Marcelino Garcia, Auguste Goldman and Vahtang Khoutsishvili were selected from nine candidates nominated by the Student Assembly to serve on the Advisory Committee, which sets priorities for the College's $130 million budget. Provost John Strohbehn and Dean of Students Lee Pelton conducted joint interviews with the nine candidates and selected the three.


ROTC helps student finances


For the few Dartmouth students who decide to join the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps, the program offers financial help and career opportunities, but not without sacrifice. "I always wanted to be in the army," James Knies '94 said.


Safety report issued


A report on campus safety released late last month recommended that some proposed safety measures should wait until final decisions are reached on a campus-wide electronic security system for residence halls. In its report, the Safety Implementation Committee outlined and assessed steps the College took in the past year to improve campus safety. Dean of Students Lee Pelton established the committee of administrators and students to evaluate the results of another report issued earlier in the year. The first report was written by the Task Force on Campus Safety, formed by Pelton in Spring of 1992 in response to a sexual assault which occurred that term.


Student organizations help ease transition


The College's commitment to diversification is evident in the increase of campus programs that attempt to address the special needs and interests of women and minority students. The role and function of these organizations and programs are constantly debated.


A blast in the past: the history of Dartmouth


Created out of the vision of Eleazar Wheelock to educate Native Americans as well as whites, Dartmouth College was founded in 1769 after Wheelock's first educational attempt, the Moor's Charity School, failed following 15 years of existence. A Congregationalist minister of the Great Awakening, Wheelock decided that his personal mission transcended that of preaching and extended to the realm of education. He thus linked his two pursuits in a vision of teaching and christianizing pagans.