Important 15W Dates

By Lilly Bain | 1/6/15 7:34am

Here @Dartbeat, we know as well as you do that a ten-week term can fly by. So, to make sure you don’t miss any key stops along the way, we’ve pulled together a list of iCal worthy events from now until the end of 15W. Whether you’re a Ben & Jerry’s fanatic looking forward to the “Winter Fest” or a SLA student already worried about the last day to set that life-saving NRO, we’ve got you covered.

Jan. 12: End of the open add-drop period. From here in on in, you’ll need instructor permission to join a course.

Jan. 13: Final day for late online check-in. As silly as we all know this is, make sure to click that button unless you want to be liable for administrative withdrawal.

Jan. 17: Sleigh Ride Weekend begins at the Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock, VT. ‘Tis still the season!

Jan. 18: Final day to establish an official course load, ranging from two to four classes.

Jan. 19: Martin Luther King Jr. Day. All courses regularly held as 8, 9, 10, 11, or 2 sequences are moved to their x-hour meeting times.

Jan. 20: Final day to set a NRO for that course you already regretting signing up for.

Feb. 1: Ben & Jerry’s Winter Fest in Waterbury, VT. They'll likely have free ice cream, and that’s all we need to say about it.

Feb. 5-8: Winter Carnival. If F. Scott Fitzgerald liked it, you might too.

Feb. 10: Deadline for Spring term housing applications. Could 15S be the quarter you finally get to live in a Fahey-McLane suite?

Feb. 11: Spring term course election period begins.

Feb. 22: Antique Sleigh Rally in Sturbridge, MA. For the many of us who want to spend a day looking at antique sleighs.

Mar. 10: Winter term classes end.

Mar. 13-16: Final examinations period… but let’s not think about that right now.

Lilly Bain