Sophomore Summer Bucket List With a Twist: 10 Interesting Ideas

By Joseph Kind, The Dartmouth Staff | 6/23/14 3:30pm

We have heard from many of our upperclassmen friends that sophomore summer is the best term we will experience at Dartmouth. The weather is beautiful, the lines for food are nonexistent, and the opportunities to try new things seem endless. Our bucket lists are filled with activities on and off-campus, big and small, for groups and for just ourselves. Here are a few new ideas to add to your bucket list that may otherwise slip away in this time of grand ambitions. Dig deep into that bucket of yours and kick-start your sophomore summer experience with a bang!

In no particular order:

1) Take your awesome summer professor(s) out to lunch!

2) Be a vegetarian for a day, then reward yourself with an amazing steak dinner. Related: grill as much food as possible this summer.

3) Make good use of the Choates beach volleyball/badminton court.


4) Textbook campfires, since wewon't be using them for classes.

5) “Fall in Love” – too real?

6) Taste every flavor of ice cream in FoCo. Just get it done with. It has to happen this summer. Related: gain 20 pounds solely from Morano, if you aren’t broke after that steak dinner.


7) Avoid all electronic screens for an entire day (perhaps after the World Cup).

8 ) Write an emotional rap song and/or summer banger.

9) Put all that Astro knowledge to the test and go star-gazing.

10) Create your own Dartmouth Seven.


Joseph Kind, The Dartmouth Staff