Let's Get Lunch!

By Murylo Batista | 3/24/14 5:00am

After break, there’s nothing quite like catching up with friends. Yet we’re all guilty of it – the “let’s get lunch” phenomenon. You know the drill.

Week one
Omg hiiiii how are you? I missed you, it’s so good to see you!
How was your break/summer/off term/study abroad?
What classes are you taking this term?
We have to catch up.
We should get lunch sometime!

Week three
Hey, how are you?
How are classes going?
How's that P.E. class treating you?
We should definitely grab lunch sometime.

Weeks five to eight
Hey, how are classes going?
I have midterms right now, I'm really stressed about them.
Are you excited for Homecoming/Winter Carnival/Green Key?
Yeah I'm going to get SO drunk.
I just have to get through these midterms first…I miss you though!
Let's grab lunch once these exams are done.

Weeks eight to ten
Hey, we haven’t caught up all term!
How are things? I am SO stressed for finals.
What are you doing next term/for break?
When are you leaving?
We have to get lunch before finals.


Murylo Batista