The 13 Stages of Winter Rush

By Margarette Nelson, The Dartmouth Staff | 1/17/14 10:30am

1. First you heard that half of Panhell was abstaining from rush and you were confused.

2. But then it was clarified that rush was actually happening and you were like:

3. When picking an outfit, you’re forced to balance fashion and warmth.

4. And pick shoes that will minimize your chances of wiping out between Kappa and Frat Row.

5. You leave your dorm like:

6. Then you go to Round One and realize there are two types of PNMs: Doe-eyed girls who are going through rush for the first time:

7. Who are all, like, about "meeting new people":

8. And disillusioned second-timers:

9. Some of whom might be trolling the whole process anyway.

10. And most are just like:

11. You and every other person involved in rush head straight to Late Night Collis after your last party.

12. By Pref Night, you have contracted some kind of ailment from all the handshaking and cold weather, but you dress up and bear it anyway.

13. And whether or not you end up joining a house, you are so glad that's over.

Margarette Nelson, The Dartmouth Staff