Prank email sent to campus

By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 4/3/13 11:19am

Many students received the following email in their inboxes. The email, which detailed an alleged incident in the Life Sciences Center, appears to be a belated April Fool's Day prank.

From: <president'>
Date: April 3, 2013 4:31:22 PM EDT
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Subject: Important Message to the Community - April 3, 2013

Dear members of the Dartmouth community,

In light of this incident, we have established an Infected Student Incident Team. The team includes: Harry Kinne, director of Safety and Security; Michael Wooten, director of Residential Education; Alysson Satterlund, director of the Office of Pluralism and Leadership (OPAL); and Peter Johnson, head of Dartmouth's "Bait and Bullet" club. The team has responded quickly to this initial incident, is investigating the matter, and is providing support to affected students. We ask that anyone with information that could assist the investigation contact Safety and Security at (603) 646-4000.

Please do not be alarmed. To help keep you safe in this troubling time, we have attached an artist's rendition of what an infected student may look like. If you or someone you know comes into contact with an infected individual, please report them at once to Dartmouth College Health Services at (603) 646-9423. Our trained physicians will handle the individual from there.


Carol L. Folt

Charlotte H. Johnson
Dean of the College

The Dartmouth Web Staff