Get Ready for the Election – Hanover Style

By Andrew Pham | 10/24/12 3:00am

With the year’s contest heating up as the November date nears, political groups are doing all they can to get people involved in the election season.

(And according to William Baird ’15, President of the College Libertarians, the group does not support any candidates.)

In addition to holding political views, the College Democrats and Students for Barack Obama, the President’s official campaign on campus, have been hard at work hosting events together.

“We started pretty early," said Cole. " Dartmouth for Obama had a watch party before school started. We had speakers, Bernie Sanders, and had Harold from Harold & Kumar."

Coordinators from the opposite end of the spectrum have also been busy promoting their party.

“We recently hosted Tagg Romney at a Young Americans for Romney event,” wrote Harrington in an email interview with Dartbeat. “At meetings, we discuss future campaign events and helping alums like Charlie Bass and John MacGovern win their Congressional or Senate races.”

No matter the political affiliation, clubs have been working together to encourage students to vote. Bipartisan efforts between the College Democrats and College Republicans include the debates parties in the Rockefeller Center bringing students together to get engaged in the political process, and an Oct. 11 voter registration drive in front of Collis with Stinson’s BBQ sponsored by Collis Governing Board. The latter event was also held in collaboration with the College Libertarians, among other student groups.

Even with the election only two weeks away, students can look forward to even more volunteer opportunities as the season progresses. As organizers continue trying to bring speakers on behalf of the local candidates, plan rides to the polls, and up phone banking and door-to-door operations, why not get political?

The College Democrats meet on Tuesdays at 8:30 in Rockefeller Center 2, and interested individuals can blitz “College Democrats” or Mason Cole for further details. The College Republicans meet on Thursdays at 6:30 in the Rockefeller Center, and students can blitz “College Republicans” or Thomas Harrington for more information. The College Libertarians meet on Thursdays at 7 in the basement of Robinson Hall, and the contact information for the organization is “College Libertarians” or William Baird. So stop trolling on law school forums, get outside, and make a difference!




Andrew Pham