Getting a healthy balance at '53

By Alex Barg | 11/15/11 2:45pm


Fresh­men fif­teen, any­one? In case you’re wor­ried, you should check out what “Be Well” has to offer this week. On Mon­day night, the DDS Di­eti­cian held a dis­cus­sion on “Cre­at­ing a BAL­ANCED Meal at ’53.” This event, spon­sored by the EDPA, hap­pened in FoCo at 6pm; no meal swipe was needed for entry.

The di­eti­cian first dis­cussed two web re­sources that she be­lieved would be ben­e­fi­cial to Dart­mouth stu­dents when form­ing a bal­anced meal. The first re­source is the DDS web menu, which lists the in­gre­di­ents for every sin­gle item served in FoCo. The sec­ond is www.​choosemyplate.​gov, which of­fers tips of the day and also al­lows you to cre­ate a per­son­al­ized meal plan.

“My Plate,” has re­placed the food pyra­mid (stream­lined by the USDA) na­tion­wide. “My Plate” breaks your plate into five dif­fer­ent food groups and shows you how much of each food group your plate should hold. This site can also fig­ure out a food plan—breaks your daily in­take into food groups—for your in­di­vid­ual height, weight, age and amount of daily ex­er­cise.

Not only did the di­eti­cian sug­gest healthy op­tions avail­able in FoCo, but she also sug­gested al­ter­na­tives she could work on bring­ing to allow stu­dents to get their daily nu­tri­ents. One pro­posal she dis­cussed was whole-wheat bagels to en­sure the proper amount of daily grain con­sump­tion.

And just in case you didn’t know, ’53 Com­mons ac­tu­ally checks the chalk­board for stu­dent opin­ions and re­quests on a per-meal basis. One ex­am­ple of a suc­cess­ful stu­dent chalk­board re­quest is the Greek yo­gurt now found daily at the salad bar.

What may have been most ben­e­fi­cial was the di­eti­cian's late-night eatery ideas. She rec­om­mended a bag of pret­zels, Sun Chips, pop­corn, Michtell’s tor­tilla chips, Nu­tri­grain bars, fresh fruit, bags of veg­gies, trail mix or nuts, all of which can be found at the Hop, Novak and Col­lis.

If this strict, bal­anced diet is stress­ing you out, don’t fret; the di­eti­cian did allot us space in our food plan for some “empty calo­ries.” After all, who can re­sist a FoCo cookie every once in awhile?


Ex­am­ples of health­ily pro­por­tioned meals from '53.

Alex Barg