By The Dartmouth Web Staff | 11/30/11 3:10pm

Dartmouth researchers recognized for recognizing photoediting


Photo Courtesy Of Wired

Dart­mouth com­puter sci­ence prof Hany Farid was rec­og­nized for his work de­vel­op­ing a soft­ware tool that can iden­tify the amount of photo shop­ping a pic­ture has been sub­jected to in a va­ri­ety of news­pa­pers this week. Work­ing with Ph.D. stu­dent Eric Kee, Farid cre­ated an al­go­rithm that mea­sures how much im­ages of faces and bod­ies have been al­tered. The team used on­line sur­veys to cre­ate a rank­ing sys­tem for the level of changes that gives im­ages a num­ber from one to five, one being the least edited. This tech­nol­ogy could be used as a tool to help de­velop a rat­ing sys­tem to show view­ers how much im­ages have been edited.

You can see how these lev­els of change play out here.

The Dartmouth Web Staff